
Bioethics and moral decisions

Timbreza, Florentino T.

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  • Human existence and ethics: Moral philosophy -- Ethical postulates -- Types of ethics -- Bioethics applied ethics -- Evolutionary phases of bioethics studies -- Dominant themes in bioethical inquiry -- Review question : Ethical school of thought (one) -- Ethical relativism -- Situation ethics -- Pragmatism -- Utilitarianism: Ethical schools of thought (two) -- Kant's ethics -- Ross's ethics -- Rawls's theory of justice -- Nature of law ethics -- Postscript -- Review questions : The moral issue of abortion -- meaning and type of abortion -- The moral issue -- Immediate hominization -- Delayed animation -- Pre-implantation period -- Cell division process -- Curettage -- Three general viewpoints of abortion -- Pro-life movement -- Effects of abortion -- Effect of abortion -- Pro-choice movement --postscript -- Moral problem and questions : The moral issue and euthanasia: Meaning and cases of euthanasia -- The problem of human dignity -- Different views -- Application of ethical theories -- Moral problem and questions : The moral issue of suicide: meaning and causes of suicide -- The cons of suicide -- The pros of suicide -- Application of ethical theories -- Moral problems and questions : The moral issue of birth deformities: Meaning and common cause of birth deformities -- Types of deformities -- Retrospect -- Application of ethical theories -- Moral problems and questions : Redefinition and determination of death : The need to redefined death -- Several definitions of death -- In the medical context -- Attitude towards death -- Application of ethical theories -- Moral problems and questions : The moral issue of paternalism and truth- telling: Definition and type of paternalism -- In the medical context -- Justifications for person paternalism -- Justifications for state paternalism -- Application of ethical theories -- Truth-telling -- Justification for truth-telling -- Confidentiality -- Application of ethical theories -- Moral problems and questions : The moral issue of parent' right: Meaning of patient's right -- Types of patient's rights -- Four major elements of informed consent -- Limitations of a patient' rights -- In the medical context -- Application of ethical theories -- Moral problems and questions; The moral issues of contraception and sterilization: Meaning of contraception -- Definition of sterilization -- Types of sterilization -- Justifications of contraception of family planning -- Application of ethical theories -- Moral problems and questions: The moral issue of artificial insemination: Definition and types of artificial insemination -- Justifications for AIH -- Justifications of AID -- Application of ethical theories -- Moral problems and questions: The moral issue of human experimentation: The nuremberg code -- Justifications of human experimentation -- Medical therapy and medical research -- Informed voluntary consent -- Drug testing and the use of placebos -- Single- blind and double-blind test design -- Justification of the use of placebos -- Criticism -- Researches involving children, prisoners, the poor , and fetuses -- Application of ethical theories -- Moral problems and questions : The moral issue of genetic engineering : Genetics engineering -- Chromosomes, DNA and genes -- Genetics testing -- Genetics Screening -- Genetics Intervention -- In vitro fertilization -- Embryo transfer -- Surrogate motherhood -- Sperm, and zygote banking -- Sex selection -- Sex change operations -- Organic transplants -- Cloning -- Application of ethical theories -- moral problem and questions : The moral issues of behavior control and claim to health care: Lobotomy -- Types of psychosurgical operations -- Chemotherapy -- Electrical stimulation of the brain -- Aversion therapy -- Application of ethical theories -- Claim to health care -- The individual's inherent dignity -- Medical individualism -- Social commitment -- Allocation of scarce resources --Application of ethical theories -- Moral problems and questions : The morality of human sexuality: Meaning of sex to the individuals -- Mutual experience of each other's worth -- An appeal for mutual care -- Sharing each other's being -- Self-discovery as persons -- Making each be truly himself -- Pain of unrequited love -- Affirmation of situated freedom -- Moral discipline -- One's inhumanity to another -- Commitment and responsibility -- Safeguarding the other's value -- Responsibility to an for one another -- Humanizing and dehumanizing --Types of sexual deviation -- In the medical context -- Preventive measures of sex deviation -- Pornography and prostitution -- In the moral context -- Sexual anomalies and ailments -- Sexually transmitted diseases -- Application of ethical theories -- Moral problems and questions : Epilogue : Bibliography : Index.