
Business ethics

Gow, Carmelita Miranda

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  • Ethics and ethical standards -- Hebrew and hindu laws -- The doctrine f just price -- value f money -- usury -- Origin of ethics -- Ethics defined -- Later ethics -- Other school of ethical thought -- Integrated theories of ethics -- Ethics and law -- business ethics -- Ethics and the businessman -- Functions of ethical standards -- The profit ethics -- Certain questions involving ethical issues : Good business ethics -- Good business ethics -- Dealing with customers -- Dealing with employees -- Collective bargaining does not preclude ethical conduct -- Dealing with the community -- Ethical relations with companies : Business in our society -- Nature and function -- Forms of business organizations -- Sole proprietorship -- Assistance to small business -- Shortcoming -- Partnership -- Advantages and disadvantage -- The corporation -- Ethics in corporation -- Forces shaping future business --Trend toward bigness -- Arguments against big business -- Needs to the economy : Values in a post industrial society -- On men and moral values -- Dual values -- Deteriorating moral values -- Causes behind growing moral decadence -- Decay of traditional morality -- The growing of anonymity of life in mass society -- Government -- Business relation -- Business goals in retrospect -- Profit ethics and altruism: Social responsibilities of business -- The new business ethics -- The concept of social responsibility -- Business and its various public's -- Community involvement -- Customer relations -- Concern for employee welfare -- Stockholder relations -- Competitors -- The case for and against social responsibility -- Factor behind the new business ethics -- Models for corporate conduct -- The austere model -- The household model -- The vendor model -- The investment model -- The civic model -- The artistic model -- Executive profile and social responsibility: Eliminating competition -- The well-spring competition -- Philosophy of competition -- Workable competition -- Unfair competition -- Unfair competition in the Philippines -- Infringement -- False designation of origin and false description -- marks of country of origin requirement -- Failure to mark -- Importations prohibited -- Mead johnson & company -- Petitioner vs. N.V. J. van dorp, tld.,et al., -- Lim hoa vs. Director of patents -- Imitations -- Pirating employees -- Business combinations -- The trust -- The gentlemen's agreement -- Monopoly versus competition -- Abuses of monopoly -- Price fixing -- Through a selling scheme: Price discrimination -- price discrimination -- Element's of price discrimination -- Geographic discrimination -- Dumping other meanings -- Brief historical sketch -- Kinds of dumping -- Determination of dumping -- Effect of dumping -- Anti-dumping laws -- The Philippine anti-dumping act -- Objectives of the Philippine anti-dumping law -- Passing comments: An insidious instrument for the use of monopoly power -- Cartel and its objectives -- Characteristics -- The association -- The patent licensing agreement -- The combine -- Methods of increasing profits -- price fixing -- Restriction of supply -- Allocation of markets -- Impairment of quality -- The cartel movement -- The oil cartel -- The rise of the OPEC -- economic effects of cartel -- Oil -- Challenge and reply : Unethical and questionable practice -- In the home in the office-- in the store -- In the school -- In the market -- In the bank -- In the government offices and bureaus -- In the business -- Of business firms and businessmen -- Adulteration -- Misbranding -- Short- changing -- Warranty -- Planned -- Obsolescence -- The meaning of planned obsolescence -- Smuggling -- Bribery -- Business espionage -- Government contracts : Advertising in our modern society -- The growth of advertising -- Definition of advertising -- Functions of advertising --- Persuasion and advertising -- Values of advertising -- Advertising agencies -- Ethical standards of the agency business -- Basic principle in agency-client relationship -- The ethics of advertising -- Advertising principles -- Unethical practices -- Misleading advertisements -- Descriptive advertising -- Testimonials : The law and business code -- The law -- The law of ten commandments -- Business law -- Code -- Code of hammurabi -- Code of kalantiao -- Business code -- Professional codes vs. business code -- Code of ethics -- Statement of advertising principles : Business organization as school institution -- Social need of employees -- Ganing acceptability -- Conflicting interest -- The worried worker -- Signs and symptoms -- Employees and their behavior -- Relationship -- collective bargaining -- Views on collecting bargaining -- Unfair labor practices -- On the part of employers -- Questionable and unethical practices -- On the part of employees : Customer relations -- The place of the customer -- Who or what is a customer? Treating the customer courteously -- Ethical treatment of customer -- Why customers patronize services -- Listening to complaints -- Unethical practices of some salespeople : Employee relations -- Employee and employer relations -- What sound employee relations can do -- What management do -- Purpose of counseling --Values in counseling -- Ten commandments of employee relationship : Ethics and education -- Aim of education -- A life -long process --The state of Philippine education -- Teacher Shortage -- Freedom of thought -- Situation involving ethical considerations -- Schools in dual role -- Tutoring students -- Applying for a position : Deceptions and frauds -- Deceptions and frauds -- Warranties -- Merchandise frauds -- Buying beauty -- On food products -- Illegal recruiting -- Why does frauds persist? -- Interesting article on fraud : Focus on some ethical issues -- Ethics and the manager -- The list of unethical practices -- Concealment -- Loss -leaders -- Accepting invitations or something -- Back-door -selling -- Continuous display of items which are already out of stock -- Failure to issue receipt -- Paying below minimum wage -- Sexual harassment -- Print in contract forms are very small -- Discrimination in employment merchandise with expired dates.